Friday, August 29, 2008

Rock and Roll Train Baby

I'm a huge AC/DC fan, I always have been. I've been a fan since the days that the local trailer park mullets that used to ride my grade school bus would wear their t-shirts. The shirt looked great with the high top Converse, the studded leather jacket, and the long hair (pours out some liquor for the 80's).

Anyways, they have a new song out for the first time in years, 'Rock and Roll Train'. I like it. I'll be interested in hearing the whole album. This reminded me of a funny line that one of my friends said when he found out that I ordered the whole collection of AC/DC material from

"Hey, did I tell you that I ordered the entire AC/DC CD collection from"
"Really? Wow, that's a lot of money for 3 notes"

Yeah, but it's a really kick ass 3 notes...

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