Friday, August 29, 2008

Screw You Free Credit Report

Wanting to see why my credit isn't in tip top shape, I went into So, on the main page, in the right hand side there's a drowned hooker pale blue window that talks about how they go about business - you'll be enrolled in a "free" trial for 7 days, after which you'll be charged $14.95 a month. Gee, thanks. Then, this information is also at the bottom of the page in plain white lettering that, not accidentally, sits perfectly out of the 1280 x 1064 resolution. When you log in to get your "free" credit report, they first get your name and address. Then, they ask you for your credit card information, stating "Your credit card will not be charged during the free trial period. However, valid credit card information is required to establish your account." Again, at the bottom of the page there's a disclaimer that you'll be enrolled in their "free" trial program.

Do they tell you what is about to happen? Yes. Is it clear? Well, when you've been to a million of these types of websites with "blah blah blah" text in the exact same position in the same font, you kinda gloss over it.

To make a long story short, I called and used my suaveness to get out of the bulls&$t charge. I guess someone has to pay for those stupid ass "Freeeeeeeeee credit report dot com" musical ads where the band is at some dumpy seafood joint singing. As my economics teacher Vernads always used to say: "TINSTAAFL beyooootches"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

By the way, the TRULY free credit report is at This is the one mandated by the government where you can get your detailed report (but not the credit rating number itself; that costs extra) once a year from each of the 3 major credit reporting agencies.

Your FICO credit score number can be had at, but you have to pay for that.
