Monday, June 30, 2008

One More Talking Dog and I'll Shoot!

During the previews for Wall-E, the audience was insulted by a preview of Disney's next talking dog pile of shit, Beverly Hills Chihuahua. Complete with rapping, I can't think of a worse thing in this world... I think I'd rather wear a "Screw Mugabe" sign during a Zimbabwe election than watch this.

Maybe I'm not ready for children...

I'm Live Without a Net

OK, as suggested by my good buddy Mike, I've decided to start a blog. I don't know if I have anything interesting to say, or anything in particular that I'd like to share with the world, but at the very least, maybe this will help me to improve my writing skills.

So, what do I intend to make this blog about? I guess my interests are movies, programming, Disney parks, home theater equipment, sports (especially football, and no, golf and car racing are not sports), and other amusing things that happen to me. However, now that I have my first son due in October, I may soon be confined in my house, so the amusing things may be limited to stories about taking out the trash, changing diapers, etc. etc.